Tag archive for "privacy"

Surveillance Sometimes I connect to a customer's VPN for work, but I don't want all DNS traffic to go to the customer's nameserver. So I installed and configured dnsmasq to prevent this. I run my own nameserver on my network and connect to it by default so that I can resolve … more

I use Gajim for Jabber chats with OMEMO on several machines. OMEMO keys are supposed to be per device, but I don't agree with that. more

Upset confused bug Thunderbird 78.2.1 was released with PGP support built in, but I could not import my private keys. more

SSH over tor


Tor Using SSH over tor has some benefits, and some downsides. I'll try to explain what they are and how to implement SSH over tor. more

Account Scheduled for Deletion


"Hi Nicolas, We have received a request to permanently delete your account. Your account has been deactivated from the site and will be permanently deleted within 14 days. If you did not request to permanently delete your account, please login to Facebook to cancel this request: https://www.facebook.com/login.php Thanks, The Facebook … more

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