Tag archive for "CI/CD"

Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery are closely related, the former is necessary for the latter. I've added this tag so that I can easily group things.

Glasses I often want to mock reading from a file when writing unit tests in Python, and I always struggle to find the right solution again. So I'm posting it on my own blog in the hope of finding it later 🤣 My solution is to return a StringIO object from … more

Recently I started working on a Django project, loaded the prod database into it, and ran the tests. Then the data was gone. I know some people intentionally want to run tests on the "main database", and there is a very simple way to achieve this. Simply inherit from a … more

This is an update for my post about automated django deployments Edit 09-2020: I've expanded the script to fetch remote data and load it into the local Django dev instance. Make sure you never run this script anywhere except than a development environment. more

Battleship engine room This post describes a deployment and maintenance method for Django projects that was designed with scalability in mind. The goal is to push new releases into production at any moment with minimal or no downtime. Upgrades can be performed with unprivileged access to the production server, and rollbacks are possible. I use Gunicorn, Fabric and Supervisord in the examples. more

RuntimeError: App registry isn't ready yet


The upcoming Django 1.7 has many interesting and welcomed changes. One of them is an update to how applications are loaded. The relase notes also mention potential problems with these changes. I ran into RuntimeError: App registry isn't ready yet while using the self-contained tests approach, but the fix is … more

Another scoop of Django testing


Two scoops of Django is a good book, and I recommend it to anyone who's working with Django. So when I finally got around to using travis-ci I turned to the packaging and testing chapters, but couldn't find anything that would really help me. Travis is a continuous integration service … more

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