Tag archive for "PHP"

Upset confused bug

I'm happy I moved on from PHP in 2010.

Extract HTML with PHP’s DOM extension


I recently had to parse HTML with PHP and had a look at PHP's DOM at last. Here's a way to extract an element's content by ID: <?php /** * Extract an element by ID from an HTML document * Thanks http://codjng.blogspot.com/2009/10/unicode-problem-when-using-domdocument.html * * @param string $content A website * … more

This makes it possible to have the taxonomy below some post type slug, e.g. the post type is at /cars/ and taxonomies are at /cars/manufacturer/, /cars/year-of-construction/ etc. You want to register the taxonomy with the same $slug. more

Run the filter whenever you want your post type in the main loop. Add ishome(), iscategory() etc. Example is for the post type 'paste'. more

There's obviously a little context missing for this paste, but the basic idea should be clear ;-) more

With this you can upload images through your plugin/theme. They are saved as attachments. Please add nonce fields for security reasons. more

With this snippet you can log in a WordPress user automatically. more

See my previous paste for the whole class (minus this) http://kuttler.eu/code/wordpress-plugintheme-options-page/ more

I use helper methods/functions in my themes and plugins to create the input fields, this was simplified for the example here. more

The function should probably check if the post already has the tag/category before adding it a second time. I should probably look into the wpispost_revision() part again as well. more

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