
Theme Switch and Preview Plugin


Theme Switch and Preview Plugin With this plugin you can switch to a totally different blog theme when you are logged in to your WordPress dashboard. It's great for theme development as you can tweak the templates online without breaking stuff for visitors. You can also use it for presentations, to show off various templates. … more

Different CSS style for logged in WordPress users


Update: I wrote a theme switch plugin that changes the template for logged in users. It's available here. I like to tweak my wordpress theme. And I'm far too lazy to set up a second blog just for development. So I'm looking for a solution to work on my template … more

Mooified focus onload but keep backspace intact


You may have heard about Harmen Janssen's technique to focus input fields on pageload and keep the backspace button's history back function intact. I wanted to play with it any my first step was to mooify his ideas. So inside the domready event I simply did: function inputify(elem) { elem.focus(); … more

The biggest CSS annoyance


The biggest CSS annoyance I think this is one of the biggest design flaws, and I see it all the time when I surf the net. What surprises me is that I even see it on sites that have valid code, a nice design and offer valuable services. Seriously, how can somebody miss that … more

Help! My mootools script doesn't work in IE!


Today I went through the pain of installing Windows XP. On QEMU. I wanted to do some JavaScript debugging for mootools. It turned out that IE was just a little picky about list formatting. Whenever you list things, IE scripting breaks if you add a comma behind the last element. … more

Typo3 and the YAML vertical navigation


Using the YAML CSS framework to build TYPO3 templates is relatively easy if you have some experience with TYPO3. The only thing that wasn't obvious to me was how to integrate one of their navigation components, the vertical list navigation. But it turned out to be easy, you just need … more

HTML forms and onclick/onfocus


Update: This post is ancient, with CSS3 and HTML5 there are much nicer ways to achieve similar things. When you use HTML forms it is often desirable to pre-fill some input fields. Your idea could be that you want to give your visitors some clue to what they're supposed to … more

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