Tag archive for "WordPress"

Upset confused bug

I don't like WordPress, and I have worked professionally with it for a long time. My post called "WordPress is stupid" consistently gets traffic, unfortunately it doesn't have good content. Fortunately I moved on from WordPress a few years ago.

A Better Tag Cloud


A Better Tag Cloud I was pretty annoyed with the default tag cloud widget. It does a lot of things wrong, like inconsistent HTML markup and hardcoded font sizes. So I wanted to write my own. Digging through the code I found out that the wordpress wp_tag_cloud() function is pretty powerful. In fact, it … more

Ozh admin menu and WordPress 2.7


Update: I can not recommend the usage of this plugin any more. I was anxious to finally try out the wordpress 2.7 beta. As a happy user of Ozh's admin drop down menu I had to realize that the menus were completely gone in the backend. I was a little … more

Snow, Balloons And More


Snowflakes falling down your blog! Inspired by the unforgettable xsnow. Install this and enjoy the snowfall! Great for times around christmas and christmas templates. The plugin comes with different snowflakes and a lot of possible settings. You should see the effect on this page. Since version 0.8.0 the plugin includes … more

Theme Switch and Preview Plugin


Theme Switch and Preview Plugin With this plugin you can switch to a totally different blog theme when you are logged in to your WordPress dashboard. It's great for theme development as you can tweak the templates online without breaking stuff for visitors. You can also use it for presentations, to show off various templates. … more

Different CSS style for logged in WordPress users


Update: I wrote a theme switch plugin that changes the template for logged in users. It's available here. I like to tweak my wordpress theme. And I'm far too lazy to set up a second blog just for development. So I'm looking for a solution to work on my template … more

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