Tag archive for "WordPress comments"

Get WordPress comments outside of WordPress


Update: Apparently this code is also necessary when you want to list the comments on the blog page, and probably on archive pages as well. There could be a better solution, if you really care check out the P2 theme (and leave a comment). Sometimes you want to access WordPress … more

Custom Avatars For Comments


Custom Avatars For Comments This plugin was initially written for a client and he agreed to open-source it. Thanks, John! Your visitors will be able to choose from the avatars you upload to your website for each and every comment they make. This can make leaving a comment on your blog more fun and … more

Delete pending WordPress comments


With this plugin you can easily delete all pending WordPress comments. It's quite useful if you're the victim of a spammer attack. Delete pending comments Downloads at WordPress.org. more

Move WordPress Comments


This plugin adds a small form to every comment on your blog. The form is only added for admins and allows you to move comments to a different page and to fix comment threading. This plugin is not designed for mass-moving of comments, rather for moving single comments from time … more

Moving WordPress comments


Edit: I wrote a plugin to make this easier, see the move WordPress comments plugin page. Do you sometimes get comments that should be on a different post or page on your WordPress blog? I get such posts from time to time and always wondered how to move them to … more

WordPress 2.7 and the comment pager


Comment paging is a great new feature in WordPress 2.7. However, how do you not display the pager when there are no previous or next comments? After digging through the code for quite a while and chatting with some people here's a solution: <?php if ( have_comments() ) { ?> … more

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