Tag archive for "Webdesign"

Creating a valid WordPress theme


Recently, I've been checking out some of the blogs that link back to me because they use one of my plugins. And it seems like a lot of them are using buggy, incorrect templates. It looks like many WordPress theme developers don't read the theme development checklist. Another fine document … more

Change Typo3 template depending on column content


Let's assume you don't just want to inject some HTML if there is content in a column, but you want to use a completely different layout. This isn't hard to accomplish, see the example: tmp.templateFile = COA tmp.templateFile { 10 = COA 10 { if.isFalse.numRows < styles.content.getRight 10 = FILE … more

My favorite Firefox Add-ons


This is about the Firefox Add-ons I use. This really is a complete list, I like to keep my browser lean. I'm fully aware that most people will miss things like Adblock, Pixel perfect and greasemonkey, but I don't use them. Usability Tab Kit: My favorite tab extension. Has many … more

About the nonsense of blocking and annoying IE6 users


I know why most people who do web design, JS coding etc. loathe Internet Explorer 6. I hate having to fix stuff for any IE at all, the web would be a better place if that piece of software just died. I welcome efforts to decrease the market share of … more

WordPress 2.7 and the comment pager


Comment paging is a great new feature in WordPress 2.7. However, how do you not display the pager when there are no previous or next comments? After digging through the code for quite a while and chatting with some people here's a solution: <?php if ( have_comments() ) { ?> … more

About the CSS3 border radius property


So I have decided to use the CSS3 border-radius property on some sites. They are personal projects so I don't care if they look a little worse on IE. After a few tweakings I've ended up with using things like this: #foo { border-radius: 8px 4px 4px 8px; -moz-border-radius: 8px … more

Track clicks with mootools


Why would I want to track clicks you may ask. Well, for me it's about usability and user flow optimization. If I do some ajax/dynamic stuff on a page, I want to see what the users are doing. As they leave no visible traces in the logs, I need to … more

Different CSS style for logged in WordPress users


Update: I wrote a theme switch plugin that changes the template for logged in users. It's available here. I like to tweak my wordpress theme. And I'm far too lazy to set up a second blog just for development. So I'm looking for a solution to work on my template … more

The biggest CSS annoyance


The biggest CSS annoyance I think this is one of the biggest design flaws, and I see it all the time when I surf the net. What surprises me is that I even see it on sites that have valid code, a nice design and offer valuable services. Seriously, how can somebody miss that … more

Help! My mootools script doesn't work in IE!


Today I went through the pain of installing Windows XP. On QEMU. I wanted to do some JavaScript debugging for mootools. It turned out that IE was just a little picky about list formatting. Whenever you list things, IE scripting breaks if you add a comma behind the last element. … more

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