Tag archive for "shell"

The pepperflashplugin-nonfree package in wheezy-backports is broken, as it downloads the flash plugin from the latest chrome release and installs it. The latest release links against libc6 2.14 which is not available in wheezy. https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=761184 https://lists.debian.org/debian-backports/2014/09/msg00051.html more

This was quite easy, but I had to find the necessary bits of information first. I wanted to set the Gnome 3 background to a gradient, from the command line. Below I also list the commands that let you explore available keys and values. more

So... I had to check my backups just to figure out how to mount my shares. How annoying is that? On Debian-based systems you need to install cifs-utils. more

I thought that I had to dump specific columns from a table. In the end I needed to parse the resulting XML with a script anyway to convert it to CSV, but here is a reminder for myself (and maybe you): more

There were packages of salt 0.10.1 in backports but they were removed, and the only saltstack packages in Debian are now in unstable. However, building your own backport is quite easy. This assumes you have an up to date Debian squeeze install without any backported saltstack or other packages. Use … more

Update: This script is almost obsolete as github will switch to their v3 API on may 1st, 2012 and doesn't display the API token any more... With this this script you can easily migrate a WordPress plugin from the wordpress.org svn repository to github. This script will NOT import the … more

I recently moved my projects to gunicorn and needed init scripts. Here's what I'm currently using. I have the gunicorns running behind nginx, so you might want to tweak the IP and PORT settings. It might also be nice to use start-stop-daemon. more

You can use wget to mirror pages that use cookies to authenticate visitors. That's usually the case when there is a login form on a site. more

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