Tag archive for "shell"

Do you know the feeling? You have implemented a massive optimization, slashed a nasty bug or built a complex feature and made the commit. Then you check the time, and there's absolutely no way you could have finished this yet. Now you can either be a good worker bee and … more

When using git in a project it is easy to create lots of branches. This is one of the strengths of git, but it can also mean that the local branch list gets quite long. I created an alias for the command below to get an overview of which branches … more

I run multiple desktop environments, and they all come with their own screen locking tool. Sometimes I want to unlock a system remotely, that means from the command line. The script below can unlock mate, gnome and i3lock. more

Books There are various ways to send an ebook to a kindle, I use a tiny script. The only tricky part is to set the correct content type. You can get your kindle email address from your devices list on amazon. Don't forget to whitelist your from address in your Amazon … more

Firefox sync script


I don't know about you, but I'm not satisfied with the firefox sync. Some addons don't sync at all, sometimes sync breaks entirely without a visible error. The size limit is understandable, but then why is it so hard to set up your own sync server. Anyway, here is a … more

I have a vero 4k armhf box I wanted to do some programming on, and as I use salt to configure all my work machines I tried to install a salt minion. The problem is that the machine comes with a preinstall Debian stretch which only has an outdated salt … more

I recently was at a tech event where there was some discussion about newlines in templates. I pointed out that relying on implicit newlines in template files can lead to problems. The short discussion ended with a statement that files always end in a newline, and people moved on. So, … more

Frankfurt Hauptbahnhof Connecting to the WIFI on the ICE train in Germany didn't work for me. I was using Debian GNU/Linux, and Docker was running. It turns out the train's wireless network uses the same subnet as Docker by default. The solution is pretty simple, kill containers, stop docker, purge networks. Yeah, … more

After installing the 0.16 release of bitcoin on my server that runs my testnet faucet, I was greeted with this error when starting it: bitcoind: "error while loading shared libraries: libgcc_s.so.1": cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory. The problem is quite easy to fix, see below. more

I have used this script to export all private keys in a wallet. The blockchain does not have to be synced, but the wallet obviously has to be unlocked (with walletpassphrase). No warranty. more

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