Tag archive for "Debian"

Samsung ML-1610 on Debian GNU/Linux


I bought this printer a long time ago and it was connected to my Mac until that box died. I tried to install it once but never tried again after I didn't get it to work in less than five minutes. Well, this time I did invest like ten minutes … more

Canon Powershot A60 on Debian


Edit: This is a very old (2003) page of mine that needs a new location, and I think this blog is the best place. I bought my camera at the end of april 2003 and after a few minutes of toying around i wanted to connect it to my favorite … more

Accents in xorg


Most of the time I'm a very happy vim user. Vim has superb support for inputting all kind of characters, see :help digraph and :digraphs. But from time to time I need to input accents etc. in other GUI apps. A long time ago xorg in Debian did default to … more

Switching to Openbox


Switching to Openbox After a decade of windowmaker and fluxbox I've switched to openbox. I was motivated by the fact that some recent fluxbox upgrade left my decor-less urxvtcs visible on all desktops which was rather annoying. Somebody on irc suggested openbox, and after a few minutes I started to like it a … more

Using any Debian box as a wireless access point


I just lost an hour trying to configure a Thinkpad T41 as a wireless access point. Most of that time was due to problems with the built-in wlan interface and a kernel recompile to use a prism54-based PCMCIA card. This is mostly a post to remind myself what to do, … more

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