Typo3 and the YAML vertical navigation

Using the YAML CSS framework to build TYPO3 templates is relatively easy if you have some experience with TYPO3. The only thing that wasn't obvious to me was how to integrate one of their navigation components, the vertical list navigation.

But it turned out to be easy, you just need to represent the navigation levels correctly in your HTML. Then apply the CSS formats and you're done. Here's one way to configure the vertical navigation for YAML:

foo = HMENU
foo {
    1 = TMENU
    1 {
        expAll = 1
        wrap = 
        NO = 1
        NO {
            wrapItemAndSub = 
        CUR = 1
        CUR {
            wrapItemAndSub = 
            ATagParams= id="active"
    2 < .1
    2.wrap = 
    3 < .2
    # [...]



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