Preserve options when using multiple pages and the settings api

See my previous paste for the whole class (minus this)


class Foo {


     * Whitelist the Foo options
     * @return none
    function register_settings () {
        register_setting( 'Foo_options' , 'Foo', array( &$this, 'merge_options' ) );

   * Preserve options when using multiple pages
   * @return merged data
    function merge_options( $data ) {
        $existing = $this->options; // this contains get_option( 'Foo' );
        if ( !is_array( $existing ) || !is_array( $data ) ) // something went wrong
            return $data;
        return array_merge( $existing, $data );

1 comment

  1. avatar
    wrote this comment on
    This is what I was looking for. To use merge_options function before the end of validation before saving options to preserve existing options. Thank youuuuu


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