
Filesystem with huge files cannot be mounted read-write without CONFIG_LBDAF


After skipping 2.6.30 and building a new 2.6.31 I suddenly couldn't mount my ext4 drive anymore and got this rather confusing error in dmesg: EXT4-fs (sda1): Filesystem with huge files cannot be mounted read-write without CONFIG_LBDAF But... I don't have any huge files on that disk. Not bigger than some … more

Creating a valid WordPress theme


Recently, I've been checking out some of the blogs that link back to me because they use one of my plugins. And it seems like a lot of them are using buggy, incorrect templates. It looks like many WordPress theme developers don't read the theme development checklist. Another fine document … more

Change Typo3 template depending on column content


Let's assume you don't just want to inject some HTML if there is content in a column, but you want to use a completely different layout. This isn't hard to accomplish, see the example: tmp.templateFile = COA tmp.templateFile { 10 = COA 10 { if.isFalse.numRows < styles.content.getRight 10 = FILE … more

Move WordPress Comments


This plugin adds a small form to every comment on your blog. The form is only added for admins and allows you to move comments to a different page and to fix comment threading. This plugin is not designed for mass-moving of comments, rather for moving single comments from time … more

My favorite Firefox Add-ons


This is about the Firefox Add-ons I use. This really is a complete list, I like to keep my browser lean. I'm fully aware that most people will miss things like Adblock, Pixel perfect and greasemonkey, but I don't use them. Usability Tab Kit: My favorite tab extension. Has many … more

Accents in xorg


Most of the time I'm a very happy vim user. Vim has superb support for inputting all kind of characters, see :help digraph and :digraphs. But from time to time I need to input accents etc. in other GUI apps. A long time ago xorg in Debian did default to … more

PPC Mac partition oddity


I have an old Powerbook and wanted to mount a USB drive I formatted with it on a Linux box. The Linux computer had a custom kernel with mac partition support (CONFIG_MAC_PARTITION). Oddly, the kernel didn't recognize the partitions on the drive. Unfortunately the Powerbook's display is broken and I … more

Switching to Openbox


Switching to Openbox After a decade of windowmaker and fluxbox I've switched to openbox. I was motivated by the fact that some recent fluxbox upgrade left my decor-less urxvtcs visible on all desktops which was rather annoying. Somebody on irc suggested openbox, and after a few minutes I started to like it a … more

Change template if content exists in Typo3


If you build sites with Typo3 you might want to use a smart template that uses different markup for different pages. Of course you can define as many templates as you like in Typo3. But what if you want to use a two and a three-column layout, depending on if … more

Git clone, ssh: Could not resolve hostname


Now this was annoying. I tried a git clone ssh:// and it failed with Initialized empty Git repository in /current/path/repository/.git/ ssh: Could not resolve hostname Name or service not known fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly The solution was rather easy, see man 1 git-clone. A valid git … more

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