Bitcoin Testnet Faucet

Using the Faucet

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If you are a developer you might also be interested in the -regtest option or in running a private bitcoin testnet that's easy to mine, see bitcoin-testnet-box.

About this faucet

This Bitcoin testnet faucet has been running almost continuously since April 2013.

So far 78437 coins have been sent to 91326 recipients.

Read about why testnet coins will never be valuable. When you don't need the coins any more, please send them back.

Here's a list of the last transactions that went through:

  1. 91f2505ea7cba80634725bd5a721b40fea2cbdf5b069f26248d667c0a3b5c358
  2. 22a4798d46e19628400851fc57623ca6dc86b687a4e4e7628ce8b29dbac86941
  3. ce170fc4a327054ce4df12e6e7fe00d1c6922edcf8a43a93b4e3e63e365e95c0


Bitcoin testnet

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