Tag archive for "WordPress"

Upset confused bug

I don't like WordPress, and I have worked professionally with it for a long time. My post called "WordPress is stupid" consistently gets traffic, unfortunately it doesn't have good content. Fortunately I moved on from WordPress a few years ago.

Using git for WordPress development


git is a powerful revision control system. It is a distributed system. This means that you can commit, create branches or tags on your local hard drive without any network connection. Read more about git on the project's website, there's also great documentation there. If you write WordPress plugins and … more

Shortcodes, include CSS and JS only on the correct blog pages


Not too long ago I wanted to add a new plugin to my blog. During various tests I noticed something quite shocking: at least one of the plugins insisted on loading it's CSS and jquery on every page of my blog. A little more testing showed me that many plugins … more

Delete pending WordPress comments


With this plugin you can easily delete all pending WordPress comments. It's quite useful if you're the victim of a spammer attack. Delete pending comments Downloads at WordPress.org. more

Zero Conf Mail


It took me quite some time to check a few existing contact forms and I didn' t like any of them. No, I don't want you to load jquery on every page of my blog. I want it localized, pretty please. Oh, and I want this JavaScript onfocus/onblur effect I … more

Creating a valid WordPress theme


Recently, I've been checking out some of the blogs that link back to me because they use one of my plugins. And it seems like a lot of them are using buggy, incorrect templates. It looks like many WordPress theme developers don't read the theme development checklist. Another fine document … more

Move WordPress Comments


This plugin adds a small form to every comment on your blog. The form is only added for admins and allows you to move comments to a different page and to fix comment threading. This plugin is not designed for mass-moving of comments, rather for moving single comments from time … more

Moving WordPress comments


Edit: I wrote a plugin to make this easier, see the move WordPress comments plugin page. Do you sometimes get comments that should be on a different post or page on your WordPress blog? I get such posts from time to time and always wondered how to move them to … more

WordPress Fireworks Plugin


This plugin shows fireworks on your WordPress blog. I think it's pretty stable by now, although the images still aren't that nice. If you're a designer and you like this plugin, feel free to submit nicer explosions or rockets. You should be able to see the fireworks on this page. … more

Different titles for WordPress blog page and static front page


I was a little surprised when I realized that wp_title() doesn't return the page title for a static WordPress front page or the blog page. I don't like that, because I want at least the blog page to have a label. Something like... blog :-D or maybe news. So I … more

WordPress 2.7 and the comment pager


Comment paging is a great new feature in WordPress 2.7. However, how do you not display the pager when there are no previous or next comments? After digging through the code for quite a while and chatting with some people here's a solution: <?php if ( have_comments() ) { ?> … more

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