Tag archive for "WordPress"

Upset confused bug

I don't like WordPress, and I have worked professionally with it for a long time. My post called "WordPress is stupid" consistently gets traffic, unfortunately it doesn't have good content. Fortunately I moved on from WordPress a few years ago.

With this you can upload images through your plugin/theme. They are saved as attachments. Please add nonce fields for security reasons. more

Better Lorem Ipsum Generator for WordPress


When you create WordPress plugins and themes it is often a good thing to test them on blogs with much data. Since 3.0 I use custom post types and custom taxonomies a lot and couldn't find a plugin that autogenerates them. Hence I wrote a new plugin. Features: Automatically create … more

With this snippet you can log in a WordPress user automatically. more

See my previous paste for the whole class (minus this) http://kuttler.eu/code/wordpress-plugintheme-options-page/ more

I use helper methods/functions in my themes and plugins to create the input fields, this was simplified for the example here. more

The function should probably check if the post already has the tag/category before adding it a second time. I should probably look into the wpispost_revision() part again as well. more

wp_enqueue_style, versioning and conditional CSS comments


I like to enqueue my CSS styles because it has the benefit of adding a version string. A link like style.css?ver=0.7 is useful because it will force visitors to download an updated style.css when the version number is increased. Here's what I currently use in my functions.php: <?php if ( … more

Ajax For All WordPress Blogs


This is a new plugin of mine that will turn many existing WordPress blogs and their themes into Ajax-powered blogs. The best way to see what this plugin does is to look at the live demo. The theme on that site wasn't tweaked at all to make the Ajax functionality … more

WordPress is stupid


Upset confused bug I have stopped using WordPress for personal projects and only use it professionally any more. In case you haven't been aware of this, WordPress core developers think that potentially breaking thousands of links on thousands of sites is an accepatable edge case. Here's a great summary of what has been … more

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