Tag archive for "usability"

WordPress 2.7 and the comment pager


Comment paging is a great new feature in WordPress 2.7. However, how do you not display the pager when there are no previous or next comments? After digging through the code for quite a while and chatting with some people here's a solution: <?php if ( have_comments() ) { ?> … more

Track clicks with mootools


Why would I want to track clicks you may ask. Well, for me it's about usability and user flow optimization. If I do some ajax/dynamic stuff on a page, I want to see what the users are doing. As they leave no visible traces in the logs, I need to … more

Mooified focus onload but keep backspace intact


You may have heard about Harmen Janssen's technique to focus input fields on pageload and keep the backspace button's history back function intact. I wanted to play with it any my first step was to mooify his ideas. So inside the domready event I simply did: function inputify(elem) { elem.focus(); … more

The biggest CSS annoyance


The biggest CSS annoyance I think this is one of the biggest design flaws, and I see it all the time when I surf the net. What surprises me is that I even see it on sites that have valid code, a nice design and offer valuable services. Seriously, how can somebody miss that … more

HTML forms and onclick/onfocus


Update: This post is ancient, with CSS3 and HTML5 there are much nicer ways to achieve similar things. When you use HTML forms it is often desirable to pre-fill some input fields. Your idea could be that you want to give your visitors some clue to what they're supposed to … more

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