Tag archive for "mootools"

Track clicks with mootools


Why would I want to track clicks you may ask. Well, for me it's about usability and user flow optimization. If I do some ajax/dynamic stuff on a page, I want to see what the users are doing. As they leave no visible traces in the logs, I need to … more

Mooified focus onload but keep backspace intact


You may have heard about Harmen Janssen's technique to focus input fields on pageload and keep the backspace button's history back function intact. I wanted to play with it any my first step was to mooify his ideas. So inside the domready event I simply did: function inputify(elem) { elem.focus(); … more

Help! My mootools script doesn't work in IE!


Today I went through the pain of installing Windows XP. On QEMU. I wanted to do some JavaScript debugging for mootools. It turned out that IE was just a little picky about list formatting. Whenever you list things, IE scripting breaks if you add a comma behind the last element. … more

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