
VNC Using a VNC client over an SSH tunnel can be useful. I sometimes use that setup when I have a GUI application running remotely that I don't want to restart. Using VNC I can quickly take control of it. more

Tor Tor has many uses, especially for oppressed and persecuted people, people who have to fear for their safety when accessing information on the internet. The more people use Tor, the safer it gets. more

I had never touched the Irssi default theme before, I'm very happy with it. I've been using adv_windowlist for a few years now to manage the many channels I'm in. And recently I switched to a new terminal that apparently supports more colors than my previous one, and adv_windowlist had … more

Upset confused bug Thunderbird 78.2.1 was released with PGP support built in, but I could not import my private keys. more

Light bulb I'm not sure how old I was when I fell in love with computers, but I remember what happened that day. I must have been nine or ten years old and was writing my first program on my father's Apple ][. Before that day I had only used computers for gaming which I had enjoyed very much, but this day changed everything. more

Dinosaur While checking my logs for this site and seeing the usual malicious requests against every spammers favorite software WordPress I decided to make things a little harder for them with a tarpit. more

Salt This can be annoying when using SaltStack, you run saltutil.sync_grains, or a highstate, but your custom grain is never synced to the minion. This happened to me while using multiple environments and when the grain was not in the base environment. What worked for me to get a successful sync … more

Powerboat The title of this post is what I originally tried to do, but the solution to the problem was to do a small refactoring and to use the low level cache API. This post will explain how I modified my approach after thinking about the problem for a while. more

A while ago I published a snippet to generate an OTP auth token from the command line, but I recently got a new phone and had to re-add all my secret keys to a different authenticator app. As I keep all the secret keys backed up I made another script … more

Rsync hangs forever


Upset confused bug My backup system uses rsync and for the last ten days not a single backup had succeeded, they had all timed out. Then my home drive died. It still took a few days until I figured out why rsync hang, but in the end I did. more

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